transfer – Wiktionary tiếng Việt

Dạng không chỉ là ngôi
Động kể từ vẹn toàn mẫu to transfer
Phân kể từ hiện tại tại transferring
Phân kể từ vượt lên khứ transferred
Dạng chỉ ngôi
số ít nhiều
ngôi thứ nhất thứ hai thứ ba thứ nhất thứ hai thứ ba
Lối trình bày I you/thou¹ he/she/it/one we you/ye¹ they
Hiện tại transfer transfer hoặc transferrest¹ transfers hoặc transferreth¹ transfer transfer transfer
Quá khứ transferred transferred hoặc transferredst¹ transferred transferred transferred transferred
Tương lai will/shall² transfer will/shall transfer hoặc wilt/shalt¹ transfer will/shall transfer will/shall transfer will/shall transfer will/shall transfer
Lối cầu khẩn I you/thou¹ he/she/it/one we you/ye¹ they
Hiện tại transfer transfer hoặc transferrest¹ transfer transfer transfer transfer
Quá khứ transferred transferred transferred transferred transferred transferred
Tương lai were to transfer hoặc should transfer were to transfer hoặc should transfer were to transfer hoặc should transfer were to transfer hoặc should transfer were to transfer hoặc should transfer were to transfer hoặc should transfer
Lối mệnh lệnh you/thou¹ we you/ye¹
Hiện tại transfer let’s transfer transfer
  1. Cách phân chia động kể từ cổ.
  2. Thường phát biểu will; chỉ phát biểu shall nhằm nhấn mạnh vấn đề. Ngày xưa, ở thứ bậc nhất, thông thường phát biểu shall và chỉ phát biểu will nhằm nhấn mạnh vấn đề.


"Address line 2" có nghĩa là gì? - Câu hỏi về Tiếng Anh (Anh)

Định nghĩa Address line 2 Address line two mainly for people who live in apartments, and is where the person will put their apartment number or floor level |Address line 2 is optional, so if you’ve never had to fill it in then you most likely don’t need to now. So only fill in street address|With semesters it might be asking what semester you started, and with dates yes it will most likely be when you began to when you finish or finished|Sometimes there is a second part of your house or apartment address, for example the flat number. e.g Address Line 1 - 123 Example Lane Address Line 2 - Flat 3/Flat C Usually the Address Line 2 doesn't really need to be worried about as there isn't one, so just make sure to check that before sending anything.|@nylehan the street address will be the number of the house/apartment and the name of the street, so that's the main one you want, Address Line 2 is usually then the apartment number. eg Street Address - 187 Co Giang Street I can see that the city is divided into districts, so maybe try putting the district in on Address Line 2 such as "District 1"|@peterf Not for my flat but then again I'm in Northern Ireland, might be different, but that's how it is for me, the street address would mean the physical location first and foremost though so just the number then the road, then line 2 for the actual flat whether 1, 2, etc|@nylehan yeah the number of semesters is the number of time periods of study, usually there are 2 or 3 semesters in a year, so this means there were classes for a bit, a break, and then more classes, sometimes changing which classes are being studied.