"Close the books" nghĩa là gì?

"Close the books" = đóng góp bong -> tức là ngừng phó dịch; nghĩa không giống là hoàn thành, ngừng sinh hoạt, ko coi điều gì là 1 trong những phương án được Để ý đến nữa.

Ví dụ

Bạn đang xem: "Close the books" nghĩa là gì?

It took until well into 2013 for Evergreen and county officials to tát close the books on earthquake repairs (sửa chữa). By then, the great quake of 2011 had begun to tát fade into Louisa’s history. But it had taught local leaders some valuable lessons.

Baker's budget bill to tát close the books on fiscal (tài chính) year 2021 also proposes to tát spend $405 million on retroactive (có hiệu lực thực thi kể từ 1 thời điểm nhập vượt lên khứ, hồi tố) and fiscal year 2022 union contract costs, $39 million on rate increases for human service workers, $17 million to tát tư vấn 800 temporary shelter beds, and $3 million to tát accommodate nursing students at Quinsigamond Community College and Worcester State University who were displaced by the closure of Becker College.

Xem thêm: C/O FORM E 3 BÊN - C/O ỦY QUYỀN

Xem thêm: Văn Yên Evergreen – Đô thị thịnh vượng, khơi mạch phồn vinh

Can the seniors (sinh viên năm cuối) of 2021 expect the same experience as they close the books on their high school careers? At times during the pandemic, I’ve had differing opinions – sometimes admiring the strength and optimism of students, while at other times feeling sure no one could escape completely well-adjusted.

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